Saxon Digital combines the fields of computer science with digital video engineering to create immersive interactive environments.
Our team is comprised of coders, video engineers and digital artists who specialize in blending science with art.
Current focus is GaiaViz - realtime 3D data visualization based on the ANTz core, An open source project that is free to the world! It provides an immersive multi-dimensional spatially based environment for realtime analysis and decision making. Capable of combining stored data with live sources for time sensitive situations.
Founded in 1993 at the dawn of the digital video revolution and inspired by realtime visual effects we push the limits of technology right to the bleeding edge. We started with live events which drove us to combine multiple computer platforms including SGI, Amiga, Atari, IBM and Apple to create a more engaging crowd experience.
Initial projects included 3D morphing Lava Lamp globules for the Stone Temple Pilots 94’ World Tour. Live interactive performance of Billy Idol and Jay Leno on the Tonight Show. Developed a fully immersive interactive “Future Zone” for the public to play in at Peter Gabriel’s Womad tour.
1995 was the year of interactive television trials. Providing Audio/Video Engineering support for a hybrid fiber-coax architecture built by ICTV we achieved low-latency VOD, gaming, and home shopping in the Omaha, Nebraska test bed. Partners included IBM and COX cable.
In the late 90's focus turned to custom software and digital video engineering solutions for broadcast, corporate and education markets. Unique end-to-end systems for 3D rendering farms, non-linear editing, and video streaming.
At the turn of the millenium priority switched to development of interactive environments combining video 3D, GIS and real-time particle systems. Built the first live HDTV over IP system combining a prototype NTT HD MPEG2 encoder with Optibase DVB/ASI cards and Zapex Dolby Digital 5.1 audio encoder. Recipient in 2000 of Platinum Tele Award for "Running Man" video for Novell Inc.
In 2004 development started for a machine control system to operate the Mini Laser Tweezers instrument, a type of optical trap microscope used for biophysics at the University of California, Berkeley. Allowing real-time feedback for single molecule experiments with DNA and RNA. GUI written in C utilizing OpenGL and Quicktime libraries to display video and sensor data in 3D. Custom controller with 5kHz feedback loop for ultra-low latency physics algorithms based on firmware written in C and assembly. The microcontroller interfaces the instruments robotics, photosensors and piezo actuators.